Saturday, July 14, 2012

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Now, the Fifth Fleet has entered the East China Sea, and has been sailing toward the direction of the Empire native, from the Japanese island of Kyushu, about 900 km. Military airport on the Japanese island of Kyushu, the southernmost tip of Kagoshima, about the deployment of about 50 bomber bomber combat radius of about 1000 km, that is, the fleet to maintain the current speed, and within three hours out of striking range of Japanese bombers. However, the most important is that the fleet can not be found, if be found 1000 kilometers away, are not necessarily safe.
Soon, the three aircraft carriers have eight fighter aircraft into the sky. Food Sparrowhawk hanging from a drop tank, which can be allowed at least four hours of continuous flight. Fleet began to accelerate, evidently, Liao Hanxiang General also have the same view, and try not to be Japanese reconnaissance aircraft found, out of combat range of the Japanese shore-based bombers as soon as possible is the most important.
Ren Hao, the occurrence of what happened? Ren Hao Tan looked often recommend a new one, and then called on the two companions out of the command module while eating breakfast, while the analysis of last night told the two men.
Tan Ren Hao cross at him,Dwyane Wade Jerseys, and often recommend new immediately pulled him.
our fleet, and the Ryukyu island's military bases, ports to launch bombing destroyed our support of the main fleet, the Japanese will be the command of the sea of ​​the western Pacific region, when we have tough times over. Fifth Fleet should not be easily destroyed, but now stopped at Naha port of the first fleet, there is no preparation for the Second Fleet, and is advancing towards the gate of hell, Third Fleet, the Southwest fleet are vulnerable Do not you forget the maneuvers with the First Fleet?
Hao Dong feel shook his head, he certainly did not forget, but still a little skeptical. between surprise attack, I think, 7:30, most likely, this is the time of the Empire Fleet breakfast, most of the officers and men were not in their posts, and the staff are very focused, a bomb can be fried dead a large area. Tan Ren Hao smile again, often recommended that new words are very reasonable, 7:30, that is, the bane of the Imperial Navy.
At this time, an officer ran over, and notice immediately go to the commander of the headquarters on Ren Hao Tan Ren Hao, immediately lay down their lunch boxes, followed by the officers to go on deck,Phoenix Suns Jerseys, Hao Dong sleep and often

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